High THCa Hemp Master Kush


Dominant Effects: Sleepy

Sensations: Sleepy – Hungry – Relaxed

Flavor Profile: Pungent – Earthy – Spicy/Herbal

Dominant Terpene: Mycrene


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High THCa Hemp Master Kush. Master Kush, often referred to as “High Rise,” “Grandmaster Kush,” and “Purple SoCal Master Kush,” is a well-known indica strain created by the Dutch White Label Seed Company in Amsterdam from the cross of two landrace strains from various locations in the Hindu Kush area. It is frequently referred to as having a vintage flavor because of the plant’s delicate earthy, citrus, and incense aroma. The flavor of Master Kush is comparable to that of the well-known hard-rubbed charas hash. With no mind-numbing effects, this strain strikes an excellent balance of total body relaxation. Master Kush, on the other hand, provides a heightened sensory awareness that may bring out the best in any activity.


This is Farm Bill Compliant Product and is NOT intended for use for anyone under the age of 21. This product is NOT to be consumed while or before operating any heavy vehicle or machinery. It is recommended to only consume this potent product in the comfort of your own home. Please be mindful while consuming any of the products advertised.

Stay Safe & Enjoy!